Detailed and colorful illustrations, elaborated in a custom way depending of the style of your website or the occasion. This can include images for backgrounds, banners and illustrations for event promotions.

Detailed and colorful illustrations, elaborated in a custom way depending of the style of your website or the occasion. This can include images for backgrounds, banners and illustrations for event promotions.
Sample of the set of illustrations made for the educational project ‘Socioafectividad’. Elaborated in a chalk style, alusive to the school environment that is the target field
THE FACES OF YOUR MARK Character design for the mascots that will represent your product. Here are shown some original desings made for organizations, enteprises and products as well as some examples with well known characters.
STARTING THE ADVENTURE Character design illustrations for a core manual of Dungeons and Dragons role playing game that is in development.
MAKING YOUR MERCHANDISE UNIQUE Design and conceptual illustration for various products. Here are shown samples of labels related to food merchandise
HEALTY CHARACTERS Entries and winner for the character design of the Centroamerican and Caribean Games sport event, celebrated in Cartagena, Colombia in 2006
EXPRESSIONS FOR YOUR SITE Set of cliparts with different themes for adding to your site. Each one has two different versions: male and female. You can find them in
FUNNY PICTURES You want a funny version of yourself or something of your family or you know? Give it a try!