We always have many suggestions about the next clip we should do and it’s always a tied match so we started a poll to help us see which one could be next

We always have many suggestions about the next clip we should do and it’s always a tied match so we started a poll to help us see which one could be next
There is no Rarilicious
There is but she doesn’t want to say it because she would is unique hence the name Rarity.
Need to do that one. Need to be ready for a marathon…
hey Tiffany it’s Tina
Can you please make a post that there is NO Rarilicious on Blackgryph0n’s channel, it’s a Rarity Rhymes, so replace Rarilicous with Rarity Rhymes, since there is a Rarity Rhymes on Blackgryph0n’s channel, substituting for Rarilicious so if you wanna find out why there is no Rarilicous watch http://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com/art/Message-from-Rarity-325878093
Damn! Everyone wants Rainbowlicious! Oh voting Rainbow Dash!
any progress on the crystal fair song yet? and what about Rainbowlicious? and what about the character profiles?
Looks like Rainbowlicious is next.
is RAINBOWLICIOUS finished yet? and what about the crystal fair song? is it almost ready yet?
No, but it will be soon.
when will you guys be back?
We’re back right now. Convention is over!
Who Voted for Applelicious or Rarilicious? I WANT RAINBOWLICIOUS!
keep up the good work! you made it on eqd! ^ ^
Thank you!
If we choose Applelicious, does that mean you gonna animate Big Mac and Derpy like in BlackGryph0n’s one?
Sure 🙂
What about derpalitious? (derpy) Because there is one! 🙂
Thanks and hope this gives you an idea!
Ok its me again, Thank you for all the animations! I enjoy seeing them!
Can you do something like sunsetlicious
Here are lyrics: I’m the sun to the set to the shim m-e-r and I might just be getting eviler(how do you spell that’s don’t included this bracket bit)
One for Sunset Shimmer?