For al those asking if we’re working on new MLH stuff, here are the profile sheets for each character we’re doing to organize animation libraries for new clips. This way things are easier to do. More characters will be added when needed and, obviously, when those ones are finished.

are you gonna color the sketches?
Of course. Those are for actual colored sprites 🙂
Well they are nice but can you draw more character sheets of most mlp chracters in human form such as the cutie mark crusaders,Zecora,Trixie,big mac,cheerlie,derpy ,princess celestia etc in the near future?
That’s the plan. When we finished the mane 6 and Spike we’ll keep going with the new ones (:
Are you gonna post the CMC? I saw the Fluttershy’s Lament video on Youtube.
any progress on the next clip?
Yeah, actually we gonna upload the screenshots of the colored profiles on DA. I uploaded Twilight Sparkle colored already 🙂
you spelled flutter shy wrong but i did’nt know that’s how you spell rarity
Ops, really? were?
the “h” in her name you know flutter shy
I can’t find it… were did I miss it?
you spelt’ it fluttersy u 4got “H”
sorry im using some one called rookie artist but yeah you 4got the ‘h’ in fluttershy so now it says fluttersy i hope i find it : [ D i use diffrent mustaches every time i find a new one
Thanks for the correction 🙂
you spelled flutter sy
i just was wondering are you gonna make the my little pony’s props too like pinky pies party supplyies “lol”
MLP Props? Which ones are those? =P
well i kinda wanna know how to draw pinky pies party cannon or a book i really bad at drawing books btw i luv MLP :{ D
Aah, the items? Sorry I’m bad at English slang…^_^U
like i 4got there names but the cutie crusaters scooter and her helmet and im pretty sure that pinkypie has a party cannon and i know this is a funny question but how do you draw twilights books btw i luv MLH
Ops i wrote twice im new sorry : [ D
Hehe, don’t worry 🙂
hey im a rookie how do you make a movie like that?
We got some experience doing shorts for others.
It’s juts a matter of practice and searching of the right tools 🙂
i kinda like talking to you
can you do another clip of “sonic rainboom”!
Sonic Rainboom is a nice moment for making a clip, indeed 🙂
Can you do the full scene in Fall Weather Friends when AJ and RD tease Twilight? From “Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Good one, Twilight!” to “Ya, see ya at the finish line…tomorrow!!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!”?
i can draw an awsome picture of all of them if u make more
That sounds awesome. Link us the pic if you decide to do it 🙂
when are you getting off your drawing break
Tomorrow 🙂
Hey you can draw humanized Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Nightmare Moon, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance. But can you do the human version from the The Canterlot Wedding flashback with Cadence and Twilgith Sparkle?
Those sounds awesome for humanizing. Maybe we can make some designs when we finish the current works 🙂
its not sombra its Salmer,& u spelled twilight wrong,u spelled twilgiht instead,lol
you have the best human rainbowdash
and pinkie pie
Thank you!
Great job! I caught these on you-tube, and came over from there. Your talent is something awe worthy, and I’m stunned at how much detail you’ve put into this project! I will defiantly be watching for more videos!
Thank you. We’re glad you like our job! Sorry for the late answer, we were out of the city.
When will you gonna draw a scene where the Mane Six gets corrupted by Discord’s magic?
Not too soon cause we want to do more characters first. But in the villains turn we gonna do one of those scenes 🙂
How I gonna do a film with drawing? It looks hard 🙁 Plz help 🙁
To animate you need to start to look for some guides. Maybe some short classes.
Thanks for the likes too :>
Is the MLH video almost done yet?
Not yet. Were having some hiatuses lately.
Where can I look for classes?
We haven’t drawing or animation classes. Though, some people is interested.
ikr they r awsome
how do u draw rainbow and fluttershy cuz i want to know.
You mean a step by step?
no, just color them one by one from twilight sparkle to pinkie pie to applejack to rainbow dash to rairity to fluttershy to spike.
When will you gonna another MLH video?
Today we made another ‘licious’ 🙂
what website do you daw on
Yes, of course 🙂
Is the MLH video finished yet? I just wanna know, that’s all.
hey skill draw my friends say that your movie’s characters move too much like army march and are you ever gonna make full video that would be awsome!
We’re searching people for helping us work faster and maybe we can do one full episode, soon 🙂
what state do you live in
We live in Colombia, South America 🙂
Very interesting, well-done designs. I am looking forward to seeing the Crystal Fair Song finished (just saw the animatic!) 😀
It will be real fun to see what you’re gonna do for characters with differing body-types, such as Celestia, Luna, Big Mac (them muscles) and of course Zecora (she’s gotta be curvy…). I’m also interested in seeing how the fillies look in MLH style (so cute!) 😀
Anyway, love your work! <3
Are you still out of town?+ where r u cuz,i want 2 no how rainbow & fluttershy.DUH
We were back but now we’re once again out.
No prob. We have our hardware here 😀
thank you SO MUCH
say, is the crystal fair song almost finished yet?
AsI said to Jayme, not yet. Were having some hiatuses lately :/
what kind of hiatus exactly?
We had to remake scenes in AS8 cause the AS9 is working wrong in our workstations. Also we’re in other state with family and haven’t the hardware here. We’ll restart as soon as possible.
and while we’re waiting for the song to be finished, can you at least color the mane six and spike?
Isn’t a bad idea.
again, just color them one by one from twilight sparkle to pinkie pie to applejack to rainbow dash to rairity to fluttershy to spike.
The proofs are fabulous! I would like to learn your style in gray pencil!
Thanks 🙂
can you do facial expression sheets of the characters?
Yes, just let us organize the stuff a little more
any progress on the crystal fair song?
are you gonna do the rest?
can you do facial expressions of spike?
can you humanize
and send it to me by e-mail?
hey there, anything for us this week?
what website do you draw on?
Sorry, what do you mean? Like a Deviantart or somehing like that?
yah is that a website or something?
Yes, it’s our portfolio web.
my friends all love the video but the say the only flaw in these are the motions i dont get that but they say there moving to army like and another thing they want you to do is make a whole video if you did this stuff theyd stop telling me how i should make my own video
It’s nice to know they like ’em. Maybe they are talking about the animation. We’re still developing ways for make it looking better. If you see, the first one looks a bit choppy, but the ‘licious’ series, we though, are looking better.
my school was watching one of your shows on some ones phone and they said your movie is choppy
Love your consept hope you do more!
what state do you live in
my friends also say you should have put their cutie marks on their shoulder not their clothes because they all have their cutie marks in the same spot
You spelled Flutter shy wrong
You spelled Fluttershy super wrong
I think it’s corrected now. Sorry we’re not native english speakers.
Wouldn’t it be better if RD was wearing a tank top instead of a T-Shirt and long-sleeved rainbow shirt?
What’s a tank top, exactly?
Look it up on Google…
how much longer till RAINBOWLICIOUS is released? and what about the crystal fair song?
Rainbowlicious is next. Crystal fair will took a bit more.
Say can you make princess cealsta
Yes but give us time 🙂
what’s the progress of RAINBOWLICIOUS? and what about the progress of the crystal fair song?
Today, the program messed up a whole scene. We’re like at the 40% again. Well, we keep going.
while we’re waiting can you do colored profile sketches of apple bloom, sweetie belle and scootaloo? and what about discord, how would you portray him? the way he is, or as a human?
what are you making to publish the sketches?
fluttershy lament thing is cute & cool
We liked the song so we did the animation. It’s great you liked it too :>
Can you also do the RD song “You’re gonna go far kid?”
now that you’re done with rainbowlicious, what’s the next video gonna be?
hey guys, what are you doing right now?
what’s the progress on the crystal fair song?
At the moment, we’re working a bit on Equestria Girls clip. Let’s see if we can do something soon and continue the Crystal Fair Song
what are you working on at the moment?
Umm hi! Can you make one of what my cutie mark is telling me? I love that song! And it has all mane six.
We want. Need time I want to do all of that already XD